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Rectorseal Metacaulk Smoke and Sound Sausage Sealant 20oz. SAS 90

Rectorseal Metacaulk Smoke and Sound Sausage Sealant 20oz. SAS 90
Our Price: $13.95

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Product Code: MFS66656

Description Specifications

Rectorseal Metacaulk Smoke and Sound Sausage Sealant 20oz. SAS 90

High-quality sealing compound comprised of acrylic latex essential for non-fire-rated penetrations and joints in achieving and maintaining the required Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating for airborne sound and preventing the passage of smoke and toxic gases in smoke barrier partitions, as required by the IBC.


  • Excellent freeze-thaw
  • High adhesion, tough long-lasting bond
  • 2-year shelf life
  • Flexible, non-sag set, water cleanup capabilities; paintable
  • Mold and mildew resistant


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