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PanelMax’s quick change router and saw heads make set-up and change out easy. Simply unlock the router, slide it out and replace it with another router with a different bit.
PanelMax FT30 can be set up and operational in minutes. It’s unique folding design allows PanelMax to be folded and trasported from one floor to the next using standard construction elevators. FT30 also has casters on the center legs so it can be easily moved to its next job location.
The PanelMax saw unit is capable of performing lamellar cuts 62 mm deep. The saw unit can also easily be repositioned to perform horizontal or logitutinal and angle cuts. A multi-blade attachment allows the saw unit to precision kerf cut drywall for collumns, arches and other radius applications.
With its duplication arm, PanelMax can precisely match complex and repetitive shapes. Shapes like castle cuts that traditionally require quite a bit of labor can now be duplicated exactly with relatively little effort.
Shaping corners — and strategic advantages
Companies owning the PanelMax FT30 or ST48 machines have seen tremendous return on investment; PanelMax CM10 promises the same. The automatic and precise cuts, quick finish without the need for complicated sub-constructions or corner protection, and ability for immediate installations translate to tremendous labor savings.
“PanelMax FT30 and ST48 have already become a strategic advantage for our customers,” explains Bevan Wulfenstein, Marketing Director for Grabber. “This emerging technology is where the industry standard is going—and these companies have the head start.”